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Demo Dogs for K9 MEDIC Classes

It is usually ideal for our classes to include several  “Demo Dogs” to help demonstrate during class.

Participation is limited to non-invasive sessions and we never pressure a dog.  Topic include some assessment (such as heart rate and respiratory rate) and medical handling skills (lifts and restraints).  Some handlers like to use their dogs for basic bandaging (paw and ear wraps).


  • Safe Environment:
    If the K9 is dog/people aggressive then the dog will not be allowed as a Demo Dog.

  • Positive Experience:
    It’s important that the K9 have a positive association with medical assessments and handling. The experiences the K9 has in the classroom can translate to future experiences in the real world.

    If exposure to a large group (humans and possibly other K9s) environment with potentially multiple people handling the K9 is not positive, then dog wold not be an appropriate Demo Dog.

  • Quality Education:
    Finally, if the K9 becomes a distraction such as through excessive whine or barking, then the dog is not a good fit as a Demo Dog.


  • Bring your K9’s muzzle(s)– Please bring a medical muzzle for your dog. Ideally, your K9 should have a positive/calming association with the muzzle used for medical situations (vs agitation training) and the muzzle should be as open as possible to allow adequate breathing.  A Baskerville muzzle is a great example. Use peanut butter or other safe positive training tools for muzzle acclimatization training.  

  • Water: 
    Please ensure you have adequate water and a bowl/container to ensure your K9 remains hydrated throughout class. 

  • Crate/Mat if needed: 
    In some classes, there are exercises that cannot be done with your K9. It is best to provide a way to crate or otherwise secure the K9 at these times. Some locations may provide crates, ask if you would like one). If your K9 is accustomed to settling without a crate, this may not be needed.

    If K9s are left in vehicles, they will need to monitored closely following our “Eyes On For Safety”™  rules.  

  • Consider rewards.
    Since we want this to a positive experience for the K9, consider what type of reward might be appropriate. Many handlers bring treats, especially if medically handling is new to the dog.  We realize this doesn’t apply to some training methods, so just know your dog and plan to support them as needed.