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K9 MEDIC® K9 M³ARCH³ Reference Card (aka “The Kourtney Card” IYKYK!!)


SKU: M3ARCH3-Wallet-Card Category:

The K9 M3ARCH3 Card is an essential guide for emergency field care, designed to be a handy reference that fits in a wallet for K9 Handlers and Medics alike.

This compact, easy-to-use card outlines the K9-TCCC/TECC approach specific to K9s addressing life-threatening conditions in the field including Move, Muzzle, Massive Hemorrhage, Airway, Respiration, Circulation, Head Injury, Heat Injury, and Hypothermia. Each section provides step-by-step instructions to reference during critical situations and can be easily read by any skill level at the point of injury.

Keep your K9 safe and prepared with this comprehensive treatment guide, perfect for quick access in an emergency.


Outside Fold:

K9 vital signs* and emergency contact info

*Requires obtaining several sets to learn what is normal for your K9.

Inside Fold:

K9-TCCC/TECC algorithm guide

This card measures 7″ x 2″ and comes pre-creased to fold in half for compact storage.

Weight .005 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 2 × .001 in
Pack Size

Single, 25-Pack