Congratulations on being approved for Enrollment
Download the Blank Template:
K9 MEDIC Online Academy Student Enrollment DHS TEMPLATE
Please complete the spreadsheet with a row for each student. This is a multitab .xlsx preadsheet with no macros.
First Aid Basics and Trainer Best Practices Columns:
Type a ‘y’ in this column for each student under the appropriate column(s). Otherwise leave blank. This column also totals the number of students you’ve entered. Please do not exceed the number listed in your acceptance email for each course.
We use student email addresses as their UserIDs.
Student First and Last Name:
Make sure the spelling and capitalization is how the student would like it on their cert.
Enter the name of your Agency here.
Agency Detail:
Enter detail such as: Division/Team/Airport Code.
Highest Level of Veterinarian/Medical Training:
Please select from the drop-down list. (Copy/paste also works on these fields)
Mission Type Keywords:
For this field, please refer to the 2nd Tab which includes a list of keywords. Please enter ALL of the appropriate keywords for that student. You may have students with different profiles. We may use this info to modify our specific feedback during group discussions and to ensure that the examples we reference are most relevant to that specific K9 Handler.
Please complete the spreadsheet for all students and upload the completed spreadsheet below.
For the first wave of students, we will be accepting enrollments until Thursday May 21. We anticipate that students will be able to login and begin First Aid Basics Training as early as Tuesday May 26th. At that time students may begin the Self-Paced portion of the course and will have access to the Online Academy for 12 months to complete at their convenience.
If your group includes Trainer Best Practices, this course includes several hours of live Skype instruction and so we will reach out to you to schedule those live Skype portions at your convenience.
We will also notify any groups on the wait list as soon as any further licenses become available.
Thanks very much! 🐾